Post this in a new blogpost on your Media blog called ‘Blog
feedback and Learner Response’ then complete the LR tasks/questions below.
WWW: Your Key Concepts film poster analysis is a good
piece of work with clear engagement with elements of the text. You slightly
confuse industries and representation but we will address both of these
concepts later in the term.
EBI: Overall, your blog is disappointing. Unfinished or
missing work is the major issue – this suggests a lack of care and attention
that you need to urgently address if you want to achieve your full potential in
this subject. You haven’t completed the final question on the initial 10
question blog task (on the female Doctor) and you haven’t completed an analysis
of your own choice of advert for denotation and connotation. You also haven’t
posted your fruit bowl but I think this may be due to absence. You’ve joined
the course late which I was happy to support but now in return you need to step
up and get the work done – starting now.
LR: Complete the unfinished work this week. Then, reflect on
your first month of Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so
far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to
develop over the rest of the course? How can you improve the depth and detail
of your media analysis?
I think that my strongest piece of work was my film poster on paid in full.I believe my weakest piece of work was my fruit bowl .This is because i failed to save my work properly and i wasn't able to post my fruit bowl to my blogger .I believe my weakest piece of work was my photo angle task.This is because my team failed to get enough pictures.I believe i can improve my work is by listening more clearly to instructions si i know how to do the work without any help .