Thursday, December 12, 2019

Film industry MCU

Film Industry: Marvel Cinematic Universe blog tasks

Read this BBC article on the Marvel Cinematic Universe and answer the following questions based on the article:

1) How many films are there in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

there are 22 films in the MCU.

2) How much money have the MCU films made in total so far
So far they have made 18.2 billion .

3) Why did Marvel create the Avengers films?
The main reason they done that is because they were going bankrupt.

4) What will Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe involve?
Dead characters are in phase four .

5) What will happen with Doctor Strange and who is the main star?

Doctor strange will return.
Tom Hollands

6) Who owns the rights to Spiderman and why is the character now appearing in Marvel films?

Sony owns spider man, This s because sony and spider man have agreed to partnership .

7) Which company owns the rights to the Fantastic Four and the X-Men?

28 century fox

9) Look at the very end of the article. What has Disney announced regarding TV shows on their new streaming service Disney

Disney has also announced plans for several new marvel series .

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Essay task

Essay question: “The internet has given audiences much more power than ever before.” To what extent do you agree with this statement ?

The tells us that the audience has a lot more power now with different media products.This imply that the producers engage more with their audience so that they  know what to improve on and whats good about their media product(disadvantages and advantages ).
 Music Industry&film
The music industry has changed due to the internet as the increase in technology and platforms to upload music content have exploded in popularity (e.g. YouTube, Spotify). 
Advantages due to the internet to the music industry are minimal amount of production value is need making self publishing simple and it's easier to promote material. Consumers have more variety and choice to discover new upcoming artist which they aren't forced to listen to producers releases.this will make the other audiences believe that they can watch or listen to all movies and music while being at home .
Disadvantages due to the internet to the music industry are that the producers have a limited amount of artist the can sign who are worth decreasing profit. Also audiences are more interested in the song than the music video making traditional fans not appreciated the changes.
Film and tv 
Film and TV have changed due to the internet as streaming, catch-up severs are readily available on demand. Also the rise in technology give consumers more opportunities to watch film and TV anywhere.
Advantages due to the internet to Film and TV are it is accessible 24 hours and “binge-watching” has replace traditional appointment to view format. Also more choice and variety on film and TV which doesn't make it restricted to just TV and cinema.
Disadvantages due to the internet to Film and TV are the cost of subscription ties consumers in for periods of time and some apps giving free films and TV might be illegal or could contain malware which would make the audience worried or livid. Also exclusives could be owed by other companies and release take time to be produced.
Print  have changed due to the internet as there has been an increase in online news which is occasionally free.This have led to more frequent updates for the news as prints are usually outdated and can be very detrimental to the environment as prints can be thrown causing litter. Also there are more sources to gain information.However fake news is a very big problem due to sources and fact being false and not regulated. There is also a pay wall still for some online artist.the news paper has also changed the news because of the crazy events that has been happening in the news paper that they have published would want other news companies to be intrigued to talk about certain events . the newspaper 
So in my opinion due to this changes audiences have gain a whole lot of power for the media with the use of the internet. It the consumers more knowledgeable and has given power to the producer as well . There is also print sales that have dropped due to have a rise of online news coverage.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ownership and Control task

Ownership and control: blog task

Read this article from Recode about Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram and complete the tasks below:

1) Why did Facebook buy Instagram for $1bn in 2012?
Facebook bought instagram so that they would cancel out other businesses .

2) What are the benefits for media companies of vertical integration?

The benefits for media companies is that they can maintain control and make profit 
at the end of it .

3) What are the benefits for media companies of horizontal integration?

The benefits is that they can control a company the same level as them but still make profit . 

4) What is a subsidiary?

less important than but related or supplementary to something.

5) Give three examples of media companies that have used synergy to maximise the profit from a brand (there is one above to help you).

Harry Potter 
Lion king 
Spider man

6) Read this BBC article on Disney buying 21st Century Fox. List 10 companies that are part of the Disney media empire. This graphic may help you: 

Star wars
Marvel studios 
ESPN Books
Dream works
Disney land resorts 

7) Why did Disney buy Fox - what are the benefits?
in a deal both companies said position them to compete in the rapidly changing media industry.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Advert analysis

Look at this McDonald's advert:

5) Write a 150+ word analysis of the McDonald's advert using preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings. 

Preferred Readings -  This advert positions the audience to believe that This burger taste nice .This implies that many people that like take away would be interested to know how good this burger is.This McDonalds advert tells us that there is a secret sauce and  this will immediately make the audience  intrigued . This suggest  that the audience will believe that this is one of the best burgers in McDonalds .

Oppositional Readings - This advert positions the audience for them to believe that this burger is not as good as it states .This is because this advert could imply that this burger is very good but when you actually taste  its not as tasty as you thought . This will make the audience believe that other products at this takeaway are not that good either .

Negotiated Readings - The advert positions some of the audience to make them believe that this burger is very  good by the way the burger looks .On the other hand some people believe that this burger can look good but not taste as good as it looks .


Related image

6) Now find your own advertisement and write a 150+ word analysis using preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings.

Preferred reading - The audience are positioned to see that this type of trainer is good quality .This is because this poster makes the shoe looks powerful and this will tempt the audience to buy this shoe and know how it comforts there feet . Further it will make the audience that this is one of the best pair of trainer you can ever purchase.  Target market would aim for the  younger generation.  

Oppositional reading - Some people would view this product and believe this advert post is to dark in color and would not be eye catching for a elderly  consumer . Further more this would not position the female consumers as the colors are  sinister.  .This can also confuse the buyers as they 
do not know if this is a luxury product or a sports product as two brands has joined each other to make this trainer .

Negotiated Reading - This advert suggest that some viewers find this product good .This is because this shoe brand has collaborated with a  luxury brand . However some females consumers might not find this advert intriguing . This is because the colors are dual and would would be aimed for males in the younger generation .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Reception theory

1) What is the preferred reading of a media text?

The meaning the producers intend to communicate. This builds on the idea that producers can position the audience in a certain way and influence their reading so they accept the intended message by using recognised codes and conventions .

2) What is the oppositional reading of a media text?
The oppositional reading goes against the meaning the producers are trying to create. The audience reject the intended message and construct an opposite reading instead. This can be due to their own social, political or moral beliefs and values. 

Re-watch the trailer for the film Harry Brown:

3) How does the Harry Brown trailer position the audience to respond to the teenage characters in the film?
Harry Brown makes the audience believe that these young teenagers do not know how to act and treat their older people that live on the estate  with respect .

4) Why might young people reject this reading and construct an oppositional reading of the trailer?
This is because the young people believe that are having fun and they do not know  know how disrespectful they are being to other elderly people that live next them 

Audience effects theory

Audience effects theory: blog tasks

Create a new blogpost called ‘Audience Effects Theory’ and complete the following tasks:

1) Write a definition of a passive audience:   passive  is an audience that merely observes and event rather than actively responding it.

2) Write a definition of an active audience: A active audience   theory argues that media audiences do not just receive information passively but are actively  involved

3) Write a definition of the hypodermic needle theory: Hypodermic Needle Theory is a linear communication theory which suggests that media messages are injected directly into the brains of a passive audience . 

4) Write down a media product for each category of Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory and WHY it fits that particular audience use/gratification:INFORMATION/SURVEILLANCE:  Documentary news
  It teaches the audience about things they were unaware of and make them more knowledgeable

IDENTITY: Celebrities
   Because the audience  may connect with them and form relationships

  Take the audience in to a different world and is enjoyable to watch

  We interact with the characters caring about them and forming relationships. As they are long lasting these bonds make the audience feel sympathy for the characters 

5) Re-watch the clip from Blue Planet above and write a paragraph analysing how elements of the clip offer the audience pleasures or gratifications (use media terminology from Uses and Gratifications theory and the 3 Vs - notes outlined above). The audience pleasure of Blue Planet INFORMATION/SURVEILLANCE as the audience is learning something about the sea and the wonder of the ocean. another audience pleasure is "audience" as the programs put people into a different dimension as it makes the oceans. lastly, the final pleasure is relation because people in the UK can relate to sir David attenborough as the things he produces is out of this world in my opinion.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Advert task

Image result for mcdonalds


 The picture of the burger makes the audience watching this advert eye catching . This would make them be intrigued to know how the burger taste .


The words in bold imply that people who have ate a burger from this take have said they really enjoyed this burger.


 This would make other people wan to know what this  burger really taste like .

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Angle shots task

Camera shots Angle      

This shot is the over the shoulder shot this shows  a boy having a conversation with his friend .

high angle shot

This shot is the high angle shot this shows this shot will make the boy look weak and small .

                                                              This is the medium close up angel 
this will help us see the whole characters body from the waist to the shoulder

This is the crane shot 
This angle will show us stuff from a high point of view.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Post this in a new blogpost on your Media blog called ‘Blog feedback and Learner Response’ then complete the LR tasks/questions below.

WWW: Your Key Concepts film poster analysis is a good piece of work with clear engagement with elements of the text. You slightly confuse industries and representation but we will address both of these concepts later in the term.

EBI: Overall, your blog is disappointing. Unfinished or missing work is the major issue – this suggests a lack of care and attention that you need to urgently address if you want to achieve your full potential in this subject. You haven’t completed the final question on the initial 10 question blog task (on the female Doctor) and you haven’t completed an analysis of your own choice of advert for denotation and connotation. You also haven’t posted your fruit bowl but I think this may be due to absence. You’ve joined the course late which I was happy to support but now in return you need to step up and get the work done – starting now.
LR: Complete the unfinished work this week. Then, reflect on your first month of Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course? How can you improve the depth and detail of your media analysis?

I think that my strongest piece of work was my film poster on paid in full.I believe my weakest piece of work was my fruit bowl .This is because i failed to save my work properly and i wasn't able to  post my fruit bowl to my blogger .I believe my weakest piece of work was my photo angle task.This is because my team failed to get enough pictures.I believe i can improve my work is by listening more clearly to instructions si i know how to do the work without any help .

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Homework advert task

Blog task: advert analysis

The 9 year old boy makes us believe that he is angry and is trying not to cry .His facial expression tells us that he is suffering and he needs water . The background tells us that he is in a country in Africa .

the letters in bold imply that the young boy is suffering form not having water . this also suggest that this poster is saying if the boy does not have a toilet it is possible he can die of also drinking unhygienic water . The emotion on the boys face shows us that he is suffering and needs normal things in his life such as water and a clean toilet like a normal child because they would have these privileges .The background off the poster tells us he is in a country in Africa and Africa is known for some people drinking unhygienic water and some may suffer. 

his will make the audience have sympathy for them . This will make their mind want to donate so that they can help children in these countries That  are suffering from unhygienic water and dirt toilets .

Thursday, September 19, 2019

second media task

Image result for paid in full


We know this is a movie because  of   the release date  . We understand that this movie has action and violence in it because of the photo of the actor holding a gun.We know from the quote on  the top of the  poster you  will see , "Powerful , edgy and intense" this will make the audience believe that there is death and violence.


The audience in  this film are  aiming for  old teenagers this would imply that teenagers over 15 should be watching this movie . This movie would also be targeted at  adults (25-40 years old ) because of the life loss and intensity .


The main characters in this film are 3 black iconic males that were famous and people would look up to  in the 1990's


The actors in this movie are known to be very good actors .This is important because this would attract people that have seen them act in different films . This is important because this will draw in more money for the actors to earn .

Thursday, September 12, 2019

first 10 questions

1) Which part of the course are you looking forward to most?

i am looking forward to gaming 

2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?

how to edit videos 

3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media?
if i get anything higher than a 5 i am pleased with myself
4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?

the spy who dumped me 
5) Why do you think that TV programme or film appealed to an audience?

because there was a girl holding a gun and it was eye catching 

6) What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (Radio, TV, phone etc.)

7) What device do you use most to access the media?
8) Watch this clip from acclaimed BBC drama series Doctor Who:

9) Why was the casting of Jodie Whit-taker a significant moment in the history of Doctor Who?she had been cast as  the first woman to play the doctor in doctor  Who,

10) What aspects of this scene do you think an audience might enjoy? List at least three things and explain why the audience would enjoy each aspect. 1 people may enjoy the scene when the doctor falls out of  the tardis because this is a cliff hanger.

  Coursework: Film website research Create a blogpost called ' Coursework research and planning ' and complete the following tasks: ...